The “Yes” I Never Used to Say


I got an email last fall.  My friend Julie was starting a Cabi business and invited me to a “fashion experience”. I had never been to a trunk show or really any kind of shopping party. I’m not sure why, but I just wasn’t moving in circles of friends where that was a thing to do, so I had never been invited before. 

Honestly, I used to have a negative attitude about home shopping parties and direct sales in general, but after finding a product that was truly life changing through a friend, I started to wonder what other gems were hiding out in the world of network marketing products. So, I put down my large glass of “haterade” and decided to learn some new things with an open mind. What have I found? Some products that are amazing and life changing, and some that were more meh, but in the process, I’ve really enjoyed getting to know some new people and learn about their side gig passions. 
Which brings me back to Cabi. It took seven months, but I finally was able to go to one of Julie’s parties this afternoon. It was tempting not to go. It was a snowy day and at 1 pm I was still in my jammies, but I threw on some clothes and got in the car.  I am SO glad I did. We warmed up with coffee in the kitchen and caught up a bit. I met some new people and saw an old friend that I had not run into in a year. Then Julie began her presentation.  Clothes are fun. We had a blast learning about the new items and how they mix and match. We tried a few on and I felt like I was at the mall with my friends in high school.  I found a really special sweater that I can’t wait to wear on an anniversary trip with my husband in a few weeks. 
The party wrapped up and there was no pressure to buy. Some found treasures, others didn’t, someone wanted to host a party, and everyone had a great time. Julie and I chatted after everyone else left about the time freedom that a home based business can offer and how meaningful it is for the whole family to be involved. That was something we both could relate to. 
As women, we can often become isolated from each other and neglect our need to connect. As I left Julie’s home that evening, my heart was full. I felt filled up with the joy that comes from fun with other women and connecting with old and new friends. I’m certain that’s never happened after a trip to the mall. Starting something new takes courage. I’m proud of my friend for what she is creating and thankful for the afternoon of fun – and for my great new top!!