Adult Vacations: You Should Take One!


     My husband and I did all the things fast.  We dated for 5 years (not fast), got married in September 2016, bought a house in December 2016, and got pregnant in December 2016 (fast) and had my 9 lb. 5 oz. baby boy via C-Section two days after our first anniversary.  So, when we ran quickly from free spirited, triers of new restaurants, and hanging with friends all weekend long to parents of a sweet baby boy.  Our lives were changed forever in a great way but, the stress piled on. 

       We lost a large part of ourselves being new parents.  I was consumed with my little guy, worried over bills, childcare, breastfeeding, not breastfeeding, and sleep routines.  My husband as well was consumed with the stresses of a new father which weren’t unlike my own consuming thoughts.  My heart is my family, but I was beginning to feel like all I was doing was working, making dinner, thinking about laundry, and getting ready for bed.

     Then, one of my girlfriends talked to me in October of 2018 about going on an adult only vacation in the spring, I said yes without even asking my husband!  We needed this trip.  We needed some adult time away from home.  We had gone on many nights out, even a weekend away but my bubba was always close and on my mind.  This was a trip for 7 days away all inclusive to the Dominican Republic.  We also wanted to go on one big trip before we decided to start trying for another baby or adopting our second baby. 

       We had an amazing time!  I was beyond excited to just be in the airport.  I ran through the terminal like a kid.  I was so excited to listen to podcasts and regular adult music during our flight.  It wasn’t even bothering me that we had to fly to Canada and then to the Dominican because everyone and their brother was traveling over spring break.  We stayed at Lifestyles Holiday Vacation Club in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.  We drank all the drinks, tried Dominican food, and laid in the sun on the beach.  We FaceTimed our son once and called another time, but that was it! It was better for both of us if we didn’t try to continually be in contact. He had his own little vacation with my mom and sister-in-law and had a great time.  My husband and I had some time to just be “us” again and I think it brought us closer as a couple.  We were able to have much needed conversations without arguing over dinner or lost socks or whatever trivial things that come along each week.  We are and will be better for each other and our child because we chose to have this time away.   The best part at the end of our vacation was seeing our sweet boy smiling when we came to pick him up.  

        If you are feeling like you need some re connection within your marriage or some time with friends I would suggest taking a vacation.  We went big this time, we might not do it the same next time but time away for yourself is vital to being a good a mother, partner, and person.  So do it for you, go on vacation!  See you on the beach!